The OU Plan sponsors an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that is designed to provide professional and confidential assistance in the form of referrals and initial counseling to covered Employees and their immediate families to help resolve personal problems. The definition of immediate family for purposes of the EAP and the services provided by the EAP Network Vendor will include the extended family, such as brothers, sisters, mother, father, and children, regardless of age or place of residence. The EAP may be of assistance if you or any of these family members are experiencing any of the following:

  • Parent/child problems
  • Marital difficulties
  • Alcohol/drug problems
  • Depression
  • Job stress
  • Financial concerns
  • Legal problems
  • Personal loss
  • Other life stresses

The Employee Assistant Program’s benefits are available at no charge to the Covered Employee or his family members. To access the services of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), and to receive the benefits it provides, you should contact the EAP Network Vendor listed in Appendix A.

The Employee Assistance Program in no way extends any other health plan benefits. Only the services available from the EAP and the services directly provided by the EAP Network Vendor are available to members and their extended families. Referrals for treatment beyond the EAP Vendor’s facilities, and or services provided by other service providers are only eligible as provided by the OU Plan and only for the OU Plan’s Covered Persons. Any other referral not provided by the OU Health Plan, is strictly at the cost of the EAP patient.
In order to receive maximum benefits for services provided by other health care professionals to whom you are referred (such as psychologists, therapists, social workers, counselors, etc.), you must select an in-network provider from the Managed Mental Health and Substance Abuse PPO Network of health care providers (Appendix A). If expenses are incurred out-of-network, deductibles, etc., will apply. The EAP benefit is only available through the EAP Network Vendor. If you do not use the benefit provided by the EAP Network Provider there is not benefit available.